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Fresh Pork: When Is It Done Cooking?

Knowing when pork is at its tender best is easier than you think. All you need is a meat thermometer. Because for most pork cuts, an internal temperature of 145˚F ensures that you’ll have perfectly cooked pork that is tender and juicy ...

Knowing when pork is at its tender best is easier than you think. All you need is a meat thermometer. Because for most pork cuts, an internal temperature of 145˚F ensures that you’ll have perfectly cooked pork that is tender and juicy, and not dry. Take a look at this video and you’ll learn that just like steak, it’s okay if your pork is pink on the inside.

Why does pork need to rest?

Letting pork rest results in juicier meat. That’s because juices rise to the surface during cooking. When pork stands, the juices can settle and return to the center. If you slice too soon, you’ll allow the juices to run out, creating dry meat.

Meat Thermometer Tip

There are many types of meat thermometers to choose from. Make things really easy with a digital thermometer with an alarm. Insert the probe into the thickest part of the meat, not touching bone. Set the end temperature alarm to 145˚F and it will beep when it’s time to remove the meat from the oven. Make sure to clean the thermometer between uses to prevent cross contamination.

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